Celebrating Six Months of Blogging!

Six months ago, I created a new website that came with a blogging platform. The goal was to write a blog post every week of the 2023 year. Twenty-seven weeks later, I’m happy to see I have twenty-seven blog articles. My blog has become a mix of topics from my research on internet memes, my PhD experience, and my hobbies. I have been able to share how I’ve been growing in my job, traveling around the world, and learning to deal with ups and downs in life.

I started with the hope that this blog would grow large enough to start making money. I would learn how to be an established writer and put out quality content every single week. However, once I started writing and sharing these articles, I realize the biggest lesson I’m learning is how to take up space in an imperfect way.

Before starting this blog, I was just a consumer of content. With the exception of a breif TikTok career in 2021, I shy away from creating and sharing content in the digital world. But, every week since the start of 2023, I have put myself out there and shared my thoughts, opinions, and words with friends and strangers.

I’m always shocked and grateful when I hear people are reading these posts, or even they have been seeing them on LikedIn or Twitter. Unlike “serious bloggers” , I don’t write for an audience. My blogging is more about showing myself that I can do whatever I put my mind, attention, and effort into.

I try my best to write interesting long-from articles, catchy short-form articles, and even interviews with leading experts. However, sometimes the only thing I can write about is how much I don’t want to write. And that’s how I show up authetically for myself and my readers.

Halfway through this journey, I’m learning that writing is not something to be scared of. It’s something that can be done easily, messily, imperfectly. It’s something that can be clearned up, rearraged, reworked. It’s a way to share yourself, to be seen, to be heard. Finally, it’s a way to leave a mark, for yourself and for others who might be helped by your journey.

Every week, I have sat down and pulled out 27 articles from within myself. I can’t wait to see what I come up with for the remaining 27 weeks of 2023.

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